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Cherish Book and Blessing Bowl Ring Dish Gift Set
Cherish Book and Blessing Bowl Ring Dish Gift Set
Cherish Book and Blessing Bowl Ring Dish Gift Set

Cherish Book and Blessing Bowl Ring Dish Gift Set

Regular price $54.99 Sale

Gift the newly engaged couple with this perfect gift set. A place for the soon-to-be-bride to rest her ring at night paired with the perfect book for the couple to read together through their wonderful journey of love. 

Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage
What if one word could change everything for your marriage? This is THE book for newly engaged, newlyweds, 7-year itchers, marriages in trouble or old married couples. According to best-selling author Gary Thomas, it can - and that word is "cherish"! Drawing from decades of experience with couples, he believes that when you and your spouse choose to notice, appreciate, honor, and encourage one another it will bring hope, light, and life into your relationship. A profound book, that will literally change the course of your marriage. 

Blessing Bowl
Created with love for God and family. Handcrafted from clay, hand-painted, trimmed in 14k gold and tied with scripture. Blessing Bowl inspiration came from Carrie's mother, June. She hopes these treasures will be a blessing in the life of someone you love. 

Made in Oxford, Mississippi
