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100 Days of Gratitude Angel Cards
100 Days of Gratitude Angel Cards
100 Days of Gratitude Angel Cards

100 Days of Gratitude Angel Cards

Regular price $64.99 Sale

There are many physical and emotional benefits to practicing gratitude. From celebrating big milestones to enjoying the simple beauty of everyday life, these cards will help focus your thoughts on being grateful and cultivating more positive energy in the world.

We have gathered a collection of inspiring quotes and paired it with original artwork from Anne Neilson. This collection of 4"x 6" cards features her original angels and other natural wonders. These cards are nestled in an acrylic box that can also be used to display your cards.

Gifts of faith provide daily inspiration. 100 Days of Gratitude Scripture cards designed by artist Anne Neilson feature 100, 4" x 6" scripture cards with words of gratitude nestled in a versatile lucite box for displaying your cards either flat or vertically. Each card includes an Angel image on one side and a scripture verse on the other. Perfect to read a scripture per day. Beautiful to display the angel cards or frame the ones you've already read through.

Each lucite box contains 100 cards with an Angel image on one side and a scripture verse on the other.
