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Merry Christmas Letterpress Personalized Holiday Gift Tag - T285
Merry Christmas Letterpress Personalized Holiday Gift Tag - T285
Merry Christmas Letterpress Personalized Holiday Gift Tag - T285
Merry Christmas Letterpress Personalized Holiday Gift Tag - T285

Merry Christmas Letterpress Personalized Holiday Gift Tag - T285

Regular price $58.00 Sale

Our completely custom personalized letter press gift tags are perfect for any occasions. These tags add the elegant finishing touch to your gift wrap look. Whether they're the finishing touch to a beautifully wrapped present or simply tied to a bottle of wine, they're a gift giving necessity year round. Everyday, Birthday, and Holiday options are offered.  

Plan ahead and order your everyday tags, now. 

During check out, be sure to leave any extra notes that you think you may need to clarify your order specifically. 
