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Men's Trist Fine Stationery Monogram Note Card

Men's Trist Fine Stationery Monogram Note Card

Regular price $56.00 Sale

Southern gentlemen know that it is a must to have a set of fine stationery, at hand, to express themselves authentically and memorably by putting pen to thoughtfully crafted, exquisite paper. 
This set of stationery contains 25 deluxe correspondence cards in the gorgeous with matching envelopes and features your name in an all-caps, open-face font with ruled lines on the top and bottom. The paper is offered in white or ecru stock.  Include your FULL NAME, as you'd like it imprinted, in the ORDER NOTES box that pops up at the end of your order. 
If you'd like to add a custom envelope lining to the order, please note that in the order notes box and a member of our team will reach out with the additional charges that apply. 
  • 4.5" x 8.5"
  • Printing Process - Thermography as shown
  • Triple-Thick 140 lb. cover weight 
  • Made in U.S.A.
